First Day at Movify as YoPo

First Day at Movify as YoPo

First day at work. Managed to make it to the office by bicycle in Brussels and not get killed/drenched/look like I just got electrocuted. Hurray! First victory.
The first awkward minutes were soon enough wiped away by a lovely ice-break-fast with the team and all of us three starters were gathered in a meeting room, ready to receive the information-tsunami of a first day at work.

False alarm! No tsunami in sight but rather a constant flow of waves of excitement as I got to know the company better through its main actors. Cédric gave us a recap of the content of the YOPO program followed by Gill who made it even more exciting by sharing his experience as a former-YOPO-now-business manager. Adrien, head of Talent Acquisition, later intrigued us with Movify’s meticulous and in-depth way of screening and recruiting candidates. Louis gave us an interactive presentation about the history of Movify and his vision of the future as a founder. In the afternoon, Sanne explained us more about the projects Wellbeing and Learning & Development she launched together with Cédric which made us realize Movify’s core values were much more than a few words that sound nice to try to keep employees happy.

Empowerment, fun, grow, share, respect and enjoy are really the backbone of Movify and it is clear that it is the staff’s everyday mission to daily translate these into practice.

I know it’ll sound cheesy, but seriously, hearing these people talking so passionately about Movify was incredibly inspiring and filled me with excitement to kick-off my career in this kind of environment. I realized how much the core of this company was indeed it’s unique culture and how much it contributed to Movify’s success. The “Why” of the company, From a fertile ground to a unique crafted future, made so much sense I was already looking forward to see it printed around the logo on my morning coffee cup.

The rest of the afternoon, we worked on our intake slides for our future projects and discussed further the program for the upcoming months. It’s jam-packed and it couldn’t make me happier. We’ll have a hackathon coming up with the full team and even a UX training in London! We were also suggested to host our own afterwork activity with the other YOPO’s to get to know the full company better.

After our first day, we gathered with the staff and with last years’ YOPO’s in town for an afterwork drink to get to know each other. Everybody was nice and welcoming and the relaxed vibe made me feel instantly at ease.
Me and the other YOPO’s stayed until last and I biked home with the fulfilling feeling of having ended up in the right company. I’m so excited!

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